
Nuxt provides the useHead composable to add and customize the head properties of individual pages of your Nuxt app. It uses @vueuse/head under the hood.

useHead only works during setup or Lifecycle Hooks.


useHead(meta: Computable<MetaObject>): voidinterface MetaObject extends Record<string, any> {  charset?: string  viewport?: string  meta?: Array<Record<string, any>>  link?: Array<Record<string, any>>  style?: Array<Record<string, any>>  script?: Array<Record<string, any>>  noscript?: Array<Record<string, any>>  titleTemplate?: string | ((title: string) => string)  title?: string  bodyAttrs?: Record<string, any>  htmlAttrs?: Record<string, any>}

Application-wide configuration of the head metadata is possible through nuxt.config, or by placing the useHead in the app.vue file.

The properties of useHead can be dynamic, accepting ref, computed and reactive properties. meta parameter can also accept a function returning an object to make the entire object reactive.



Type: MetaObject

An object accepting the following head metadata:

  • charset
    Type: string
    Default: utf-8
    Specifies character encoding for the HTML document.
  • viewport
    Type: string
    Default: width=device-width, initial-scale=1
    Configures the viewport (the user's visible area of a web page).
  • meta
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Default: width=device-width, initial-scale=1
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <meta> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • link
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <link> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • style
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <style> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • script
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <script> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • noscript
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <noscript> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • titleTemplate
    Type: string | ((title: string) => string)
    Configures dynamic template to customize the page title on an individual page.
  • title
    Type: string
    Sets static page title on an individual page.
  • bodyAttrs
    Type: Record<string, any>
    Sets attributes of the <body> tag. Each object property is mapped to the corresponding attribute.
  • htmlAttrs
    Type: Record<string, any>
    Sets attributes of the <html> tag. Each object property is mapped to the corresponding attribute.


Customize Metadata

The example below changes the website's title and description using meta option of the useHead composable:

<script setup>  const title = ref('My App')  const description = ref('My amazing Nuxt app')  useHead({    title,    meta: [      {        name: 'description',        content: description      }    ]  })</script>

Add Dynamic Title

In the example below, titleTemplate is set either as a string with the %s placeholder or as a function, which allows greater flexibility in setting the page title dynamically for each route of your Nuxt app:

<script setup>  useHead({    // as a string,    // where `%s` is replaced with the title    titleTemplate: '%s - Site Title',    // ... or as a function     titleTemplate: (productCategory) => {      return productCategory        ? `${productCategory} - Site Title`        : 'Site Title'    }  })</script>

nuxt.config is also used as an alternative way of setting the page title. However, nuxt.config does not allow the page title to be dynamic. Therefore, it is recommended to use titleTemplate in the app.vue file to add a dynamic title, which is then applied to all routes of your Nuxt app.

Add External CSS

The example below inserts Google Fonts using the link property of the useHead composable:

<script setup>    useHead({    link: [      {         rel: 'preconnect',         href: ''      },      {         rel: 'stylesheet',         href: '',         crossorigin: ''       }    ]  })</script>

Add Third-party Script

The example below inserts a third-party script using the script property of the useHead composable:

<script setup>  useHead({    script: [      {        src: '',        body: true      }    ]  })</script>

You can use the body: true option to add the above script at the end of the <body> tag.