
This composable provides a convenient wrapper around useAsyncData and $fetch.

It automatically generates a key based on URL and fetch options, provides type hints for request url based on server routes, and infers API response type.


function useFetch(  url: string | Request | Ref<string | Request> | () => string | Request,  options?: UseFetchOptions<DataT>): Promise<AsyncData<DataT>>type UseFetchOptions = {  key?: string  method?: string  params?: SearchParams  body?: RequestInit['body'] | Record<string, any>  headers?: { key: string, value: string }[]  baseURL?: string  server?: boolean  lazy?: boolean  immediate?: boolean  default?: () => DataT  transform?: (input: DataT) => DataT  pick?: string[]  watch?: WatchSource[]  initialCache?: boolean}type AsyncData<DataT> = {  data: Ref<DataT>  pending: Ref<boolean>  refresh: (opts?: { override?: boolean }) => Promise<void>  execute: () => Promise<void>  error: Ref<Error | boolean>}


  • Url: The URL to fetch.
  • Options (extends unjs/ohmyfetch options & AsyncDataOptions):
    • method: Request method.
    • params: Query params.
    • body: Request body - automatically stringified (if an object is passed).
    • headers: Request headers.
    • baseURL: Base URL for the request.
  • Options (from useAsyncData):
    • key: a unique key to ensure that data fetching can be properly de-duplicated across requests, if not provided, it will be generated based on the static code location where useAyncData is used.
    • server: Whether to fetch the data on the server (defaults to true).
    • default: A factory function to set the default value of the data, before the async function resolves - particularly useful with the lazy: true option.
    • pick: Only pick specified keys in this array from the handler function result.
    • watch: watch reactive sources to auto-refresh.
    • initialCache: When set to false, will skip payload cache for initial fetch (defaults to true).
    • transform: A function that can be used to alter handler function result after resolving.
    • immediate: When set to false, will prevent the request from firing immediately. (defaults to true)
If you provide a function or ref as the url parameter, or if you provide functions as arguments to the options parameter, then the useFetch call will not match other useFetch calls elsewhere in your codebase, even if the options seem to be identical. If you wish to force a match, you may provide your own key in options.

Return Values

  • data: the result of the asynchronous function that is passed in.
  • pending: a boolean indicating whether the data is still being fetched.
  • refresh/execute : a function that can be used to refresh the data returned by the handler function.
  • error: an error object if the data fetching failed.

By default, Nuxt waits until a refresh is finished before it can be executed again.

If you have not fetched data on the server (for example, with server: false), then the data will not be fetched until hydration completes. This means even if you await useFetch on client-side, data will remain null within <script setup>.


const { data, pending, error, refresh } = await useFetch('',{    pick: ['title']})

Using interceptors:

const { data, pending, error, refresh } = await useFetch('/api/auth/login', {  onRequest({ request, options }) {    // Set the request headers    options.headers = options.headers || {}    options.headers.authorization = '...'  },  onRequestError({ request, options, error }) {    // Handle the request errors  },  onResponse({ request, response, options }) {    // Process the response data    return response._data  },  onResponseError({ request, response, options }) {    // Handle the response errors  }})

Read and edit a live example in Examples > Composables > Use Fetch.